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National Young Farmers Coalition Grant Applications due Jan. 15, 2024

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National Young Farmers Coalition Grant Applications due Jan. 15, 2024

Applications due January 15, 2024
In the fifth and final year of the program, they are celebrating distributing 50 grants to a new cohort of young farmers and ranchers in 2024!
This year, forty-five awards will go to businesses already in operation, and five to farm and ranch operations starting up in 2024.
Applications are currently open for the 2024 Young Farmer Grant Program!
Applications are open until January 15th, 2024, at 3pm ET. Please reach out to with questions. No phone calls please.
This program seeks to support “livelihood farmers and ranchers” or those seeking long term careers that financially support them through agriculture. At this time, they are not able to offer funding to farmers who are not currently, or are not working, toward making an income farming through long-term careers in agriculture.
Applicant must be the operation owner or plan to start their own operation in 2024. For non-profit farms without “owners” applicant must be the lead farmer/farm manager. Farmer part-owners of cooperative or collective farms are qualified to apply. Please choose just one owner to represent the operation in the application.
Young farmers and ranchers who are at least 18 and not over 40 years of age as of May 1, 2024.
Applicant must use farm practices that protect natural resources for future generations.
There are no preferences for what applicants produce on their operations or for current scale of farm.
They strongly encourage farmers of color, Indigenous farmers, and farmers who are facing significant structural barriers to accessing other funding opportunities and success in agriculture to apply.
Staff and Board members of the National Young Farmers Coalition are not eligible to apply.
Recipients of the 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 Young Farmer Grants are not eligible to apply.



Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund Applications due Jan 3, 2024

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The Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund application will be opening on January 3, 2024! Join the Farmer Veteran Coalition for a webinar on December 19, 2023, at 12pm CST where they will discuss the Fellowship Fund application and creating a business plan with our partners at Center for Farm Financial Management. For more information about the Fellowship Fund, click here.
The Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund is a small grant program that provides direct assistance to veterans who are in their beginning years of farming or ranching. The Fellowship Fund does not give money directly to the veteran, but rather to third-party vendors for items the veteran has identified will make a crucial difference in the launch of their farm business. Awards range from $1,000 to $5,000, and nearly $4 million has been awarded to more than 930 veterans since 2011.
Wanting to start a farm, but unsure if it’ll be successful? Full of great ideas for your farm, but struggle to implement them? Or maybe just trying to strategize your farm’s future, but don’t know where to start? Writing a business plan can dramatically increase the success of implementing your ideas and goals. Using the AgPlan online business planning software, this workshop will guide you in creating a business plan to incorporate your farm vision into your operation.
Webinar Registration

CT DoAG CT Grown for CT Kids Grants due Dec. 14, 2023

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CT DoAG CT Grown for CT Kids Grants due Dec. 14, 2023

The Connecticut Department of Agriculture (CT DoAg) is now accepting applications for the CT Grown for CT Kids (CTG4CTK) Grant program for projects which develop or enhance Farm to School programs in Connecticut. An additional $2 million is also available for a Shipping Container Grower Grant for projects connected to Farm to School. The application deadline is Thursday, December 14, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. Applications received after 4:00 p.m. will not be considered.

Through a combination of financial and technical assistance, the CTG4CTK grant will help develop farm-to-school programs that will increase the availability of local foods in child nutrition programs, allow educators to use hands-on educational techniques to teach students about nutrition and farm-to-school connections, sustain relationships with local farmers and producers, enrich the educational experience of students, improve the health of children in the state and enhance the state’s economy.

CT DoAg is accepting applications for up to $50,000 in funding for 18-month long projects from eligible entities for projects which align with one of the following grant tracks. Simplified microgrants of less than $5,000 are offered in each of the four tracks as well. CT DoAg has approximately $900,000 in funds to award for CTG4CTK Grant projects in fiscal year 2024.

  • Track 1: Farm to School (K-12) Local Procurement Assistance Grant
  • Track 2: Farm to School (K-12) Experiential Learning Grant
  • Track 3: Producer Capacity Building Grant* (up to $5,000 only)
  • Track 4: Farm to Early Care and Education (ECE) Grant
  • Track 5: Shipping Container Grower Grant* New FY 2024 only
New this year, Track 5: Shipping Container Grower Grant is for eligible applicants seeking to purchase and install shipping container growing units that will benefit students through contracts with school districts for product grown in the container and/or building educational opportunities for students.  Funding for this was provided by the state American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds in the 2023 legislative session. Applicants for Track 5 can apply for up to $250,000 for 24-month long projects. All applications will be evaluated through a competitive selection process by an advisory team after an administrative review by CT DoAg.

Eligible applicants include Connecticut local and regional boards of education, regional education centers, cooperative arrangements, childcare centers, group childcare homes and family childcare homes, or any organization or entity administering or assisting in the development of a farm-to-school program. Entities who received CTG4CTK funds for the two prior grant periods are not eligible to apply this year. A one-round break in funding is required.

For interested parties, there will be a webinar including a question-and-answer session on Thursday, October 26, 2023, from 2:00-3:30 p.m. This will be recorded and posted on under the CT Grown for CT Kids Grant tab.  Please visit our webpage to register. The guidance, application portal, and additional information required to apply are available at the CT Grown for CT Kids Grant Program page.  CT DoAg will host weekly office hours following the webinar and grant coaching by track will also be available.

For more information visit the webpage or contact Cyrena Thibodeau at or 860-895-3094.

CT DoAg Farm Transition Grants Due Jan 10, 2024

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CT DoAg Farm Transition Grants Due Jan 10, 2024

The Connecticut Department of Agriculture (CT DoAg) is accepting grant proposals for the 2024 Farm Transition Grant (FTG) to assist Connecticut farmers and agricultural cooperatives in the diversification of existing operations, transition to value-added agricultural production and sales, and other venues in which a majority of products sold are grown in the state. Applications are due no later than 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 10, 2024. NEW FOR 2024:

  • A 25% advance of the grant award can be made available for Infrastructure Investment Grant, Research and Development Grant, or Innovation and Diversification Grant awardees. The remaining 75% of the award will be reimbursed upon project completion and submission of final reporting documents. New Farmer Micro Grant awardees will continue to be able to request a 50% advance of their award.
  • Applicants to the New Farmer Micro Grant can apply for funds to establish websites and conduct marketing efforts.
  • Applicants to the Research and Development Grant apply for funds to conduct in-store testing events to determine consumer viability.
The grant categories are summarized below.
  • New Farmer Micro Grants:  Up to $5,000 awarded to support new and beginning individuals or partnerships with one full year to three years of production history, seeking long-term careers that financially support them through farming and agriculture.
  • Infrastructure Investment Grant:  Up to $20,000 awarded to support farmers in production for a minimum of three years with a need for infrastructure to expand the farm’s production and operation.
  • Research and Development Grant:  Up to $25,000 awarded for farms to conduct research to assess the viability and interest to develop a new product line, service, or market.
  • Innovation and Diversification Grant:  Up to $49,999 awarded for the implementation of a new product or service for market or business expansion after a research and development phase has been explored.

Grant guidelines and forms can be found at with additional details on match requirements and eligible expenses.  Applications will be scored by a review panel. Grant awards to be announced in February 2024.



  • November 16, 2023, from 10-11:30am: Click here to view a recording of the grant overview workshop or to access the presentation slides.
  • November 30, 2023, from 10-11:30am: Click here to register for the workshop to explain the intricacies of the budget sheet and budget narrative, complete a mock budget sheet, and provide tips and tricks to allow Excel to work for you, rather than against you.
  • December 19, 2023, from 6-7:30pm: Click here to register for open office hours. Applicants are invited to drop in and out and ask questions on the grant program or their application.
  • January 4th, 2024, from 6-7:30pm: Click here to register for open office hours. Applicants are invited to drop in and out and ask questions on the grant program or their application.
Questions regarding the Farm Transition Grant can be directed to Alison Grabarz at More information on application requirements, submission process, and accompanying forms can be found online at

UConn Extension Vegetable and Small Fruit Growers Conference Jan 9 in Storrs, CT

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UConn Extension Vegetable and Small Fruit Growers Conference Jan 9 in Storrs, CT

Attend the annual UConn Extension Vegetable and Small Fruit Growers Conference for an educational day of learning, regulations, and updates on the latest trends in vegetable and small fruit production. The event is Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at the UConn Student Union Ballroom, Room 330, Storrs CT. There will be a trade show held in UConn Student Union, Room 304 throughout conference. Pesticide recertification credits: 4 CEU to be confirmed.

Lunch and Parking is included in the registration price. Prior to the day of the conference, you will be sent an event parking link to register for validated parking. You must pre register by January 3, 2024 in order to receive free parking.

Registration will increase to $60.00 after December 20, 2023. Online registration is available through January 3, 2024 at noon. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER DECEMBER 20.

The full agenda and speaker information is available at:

Register online
To pay by check or email
Trade Show Exhibitor

USDA Farm Labor Stabilization and Protection Pilot Program Webinar for Small Growers at 2PM

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USDA Farm Labor Stabilization and Protection Pilot Program Webinar for Small Growers at 2PM

USDA announced $65 million in grants are available for agricultural employers through the Farm Labor Stabilization and Protection Pilot Program (FLSP). The pilot helps employers address workforce needs in agriculture, promotes a safe and healthy work environment for farmworkers, and supports migration pathways for workers, including for H-2A workers from Northern Central America.

This webinar will take a deeper dive into some the unique challenges that smaller, mid-sized and underserved producers and employers may face as they navigate participation in FLSP, the application process, and the H-2A program.

Attendees will hear about the technical assistance available to prospective applicants and grantees – and why FLSP is uniquely suited to address their needs.

On the same day, following the Small Growers webinar, USDA will host FLSP Office Hours beginning at 4 p.m. ET/1 p.m. PT.

Register here.


New Connecticut Farmer Alliance Climate Smart Ag & Forestry Grants Announced- Due 1/12/2024

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The New CT Farmer Alliance is excited to announce the first round of our Climate Smart Ag and Forestry grant program! We will be awarding grants to 22 Connecticut farms in 2024 to fund a range of agriculture and forestry practices that contribute to climate change mitigation and resilience. Learn more here.

Key points:

  • Applications open on November 6th, 2023, and close on January 12th, 2024.
  • Funding will be available in two tiers: 18 grants of up to $8,000 & 4 grants of up to $30,000.
  • There are three options to submit an application: a written online application, a video submission, or a farm visit.
We are also hosting virtual info sessions on Wednesday, November 8th at 6pm and Tuesday, December 5th at 6pm for interested applicants to learn more about the grant program, application requirements, and submission process.
Please let us know if you have any questions, and how we can help with your application. Contact Liz at or 860-785-3099 for English, or Xóchitl at or 203-680-0455 for Spanish.
Funding for this project was paid for the Climate Smart Farming: Agriculture and Forestry Grant. Funding awarded and administered by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture.

Solid Ground AG Mechanics Workshops being offered

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Solid Ground AG Mechanics Workshops being offered

It’s that time of year again where our Solid Ground Trainings are starting to get their gears rolling!  Kicking it off this season, they are bringing back the ever-popular Chainsaw Skills and Safety program directed toward women, Beginning Welders Workshops, and an Intro to Carpentry! Each workshop cost $25 and includes lunch. See more info below!
Note: These trainings are intended for production farmers in Connecticut, if you have a hobby farm or are gardening, please reference this other wonderful UConn Extension program here 
Chainsaw Class Directed toward Women

Date: Saturday, November 18th
Time: 8:30-4:30
Location: Long Table Farm, 256 Beaver Brook Rd, Lyme, CT
Max Number of participants: 10
Description of class:
Chainsaw Skills and Safety directed toward Women: Intro to safe chainsaw operation. Students will learn about PPE, work area safety, basic saw maintenance, chain sharpening, and how to develop a felling plan.  Each student will have a chance to fell their own tree.  You may bring your own saw or use one that will be provided by the instructor.

 Basic Welding for Beginners

Date: Saturday, December 9th
Time: 9am – 3pm
Location: Rockville High School, 70 Loveland Hill Rd, Vernon
Max Number of participants: 10
Description of class:
Intro to the basics of welding. Learn the proper personal protective equipment required and safety protocols to know before getting started. Instructor will go over the fundamentals of MIG and stick welding, teaching you techniques to get welds done safely and efficiently.

Power Tool Safety & Carpentry Basics Training

Date: Saturday, December 16th
Time: 9am – 3pm
Location: WorkspaceCT, 16 Trowbridge Dr, Bethel
Max Number of participants: 10
Description of class:
Get familiar with the power tools and carpentry skills that you’ll need on your farm. Learn how to use an impact driver, drill, skill saw, table saw and more. You will work with your new skills to complete a project to take home.

Please contact us 2 weeks in advance with special needs (dietary, translation, accessibility, etc.) We’ll do our best to accommodate you.

FOR ALL WORKSHOPS THAT INCLUDE TRAVEL: If the cost is prohibitive, Travel Stipends will be made available to participants at any event where travel is required to attend.

Please do not attend if you are not feeling well – you will receive a refund.

US Dept of Commerce Webinar on Current and Future PFAs Challenges in Food, Beverages and Packaging Nov 8, 1:30 PM

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US Dept of Commerce Webinar on Current and Future PFAs Challenges in Food, Beverages and Packaging Nov 8, 1:30 PM


The U.S. Department of Commerce will host a virtual webinar on November 8 at 1:30 pm EST to assist businesses in learning about how to manage PFAS challenges. Learn about new legal requirements being implemented across the United States regarding Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in food and beverage products and packaging. Hear from Lisa Navarro, PhD DABT ERT, with Ramboll, and from CT DEC member, Alfredo Fernandez, Partner at Shipman and Goodwin LLP, about how to prepare your business to comply with the new requirements and manage the many challenges associated with PFAS.

Topics to be addressed:

  • What are Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)?
  • PFAS challenges in food and beverage products
  • Operational PFAS challenges for food and beverage manufacturing facilities
  • New bans on PFAS in food and beverage packaging and best practices for assessing packaging supply chains
  • International considerations (exports/imports)
  • Risk management strategies

For more information, please contact

Register here.