Jan-May, 2025: Venture Farming Institute Cultivating the Future of Farming and Land Stewardship in CT and RI
February 1, 2025: CLCC Climate Smart Land Stewardship Planning and Implementation Grants due
February 8, 2025: Solid Ground/DOAG Land Ownership Readiness Course (Cohort 2) starts
February 12, 2025: Solid Ground Farmer Training: The Business of Farming Online Course
March 1, 2025: CT NOFA 43Rd Annual Winter Conference at Eastern CT State University
March 8, 2025: Solid Ground/DOAG Land Ownership Readiness Course (Cohort 3) starts
May 1, 2025: CLCC Climate Smart Land Stewardship Planning and Implementation Grants due
The NMFFPC meets the last Wednesday of every month at the New Milford Town Hall 7-9pm
NMFFPC highlights just a few of the Farmers that make New Milford and its surrounding area a great farming community!
Do you have news or information you would like featured on NewMilfordFarmlandPres.org? Visit the contact page and drop us a line to be featured on the site!