Assist New Milford in protecting and preserving our surviving farmlands

CT NOFA Online Learning: Year Round Green House Production

CT NOFA Online Learning: Year Round Green House Production

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Sept. 11, 2021, 10:00 am-12 PM CT NOFA Online Learning: Year Round Greenhouse Production, $25- $35

Hosted by NOFA New Jersey, this virtual webinar is all about producing food year-round, in a greenhouse.

A century ago New Jersey greenhouses produced vegetables all winter long, with manure hotbeds, forcing of blanched shoots, and other techniques. Today gardeners and farmers are re-learning how to produce food all winter with little or no heating required. This workshop will cover insulated bioshelters, winter vegetables in unheated greenhouses, growing subtropical and warm-temperate fruits like pomegranates, citrus, and more. Eric Toensmeier will be teaching this virtual class. Get ready for Winter with NOFA-NJ! Saturday, September 11 from 10 AM-Noon.

Click here to register.

CT NOFA Online Learning: Loving and Cooking with your CSA

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Sept 9, 2021, 6-7:15 PM. Cost $15: CT NOFA Online Learning: Loving and Cooking with your CSA, from Cherry Grove Farm

NOFA-NJ, The Suppers Program, and Jammin’ Crepes are working together to offer a Cooking class which celebrates the NJ Organic CSA and seven NJ farms who have a CSA program.  Every second Thursday of the month, Tony Kennette will introduce you to another NJ Organic farm, and Kim Rizk of Jammin’ Crepes will cook from the farms CSA box. The charge for this event is $15 for one class or $60 for the whole series.

Click here to register.

Virtual Farm Field Day July 15, 2021

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Virtual Farm Field Day July 15, 2021, 6 PM Establishing a Chestnut Agroforestry, by CT Resource Conservation and Development

About this event

Thinking about diversifying your farm? Considering how to incorporate tree crops using agroforestry?

Tree crops such as chestnut and hazelnut in CT are becoming a source of additional farm income and an opportunity to diversify crops and use spaces that aren’t suited to tillage or other activity.

Come learn about establishing chestnut agroforestry from farmers, agricultural, and NRCS service providers. We’ll walk though the process of assessing the property for potential tree crops and agroforestry uses. Look at the steps to establish and maintain the perennial tree crop planting at Adamah Farm which recently planted chestnuts as part of an initial phase of farm expansion. We’ll go through the process in this webinar, hear about lessons learned, and how the newly planted trees are part of the farm’s bigger plan. Hear how farms in Connecticut can get started in improving farm diversity and expand into agroforestry.

This event is FREE. However, donations are welcome in order to support the continued work of the CT Soil Health Initiative.

Click here to register.

Tour Des Farms 2021

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Tour Des Farms 2021 registration opens June 1, 2021

Connecticut Resource Conservation and Development’s (CT RC&D) annual Tour des Farms (bicycle, motorcycle or car) ride is returning statewide! On Tuesday, June 1, registration will open for participants to access eight regional routes to farms all around the state.

As a program, Tour des Farms aims to move around Connecticut, ensuring diverse regional agriculture promotion. In 2019, CT RC&D held an in-person ride in Connecticut’s Quiet Corner, and for the ride’s reemergence in 2018, participants biked farms throughout the Litchfield Hills.

Adapting to social distancing guidelines, Tour des Farms pivoted for 2020. As part of the new approach to their annual ride, CT RC&D now hosts a summer-long statewide Tour des Farms event for riders to enjoy at their own pace and schedule. The event includes eight regional routes, each featuring 6-10 farms throughout the state. That’s over 75 farms getting direct support from their communities!

Registration opens June 1 at and will close on October 1. A $20 registration fee includes access to 8 regional routes and the accompanying Ride with GPS Event Maps with printable cue sheets, a customizable riding bib, a TDF Farm Passport, and the chance to win exciting prizes for completed and returned TDF Passports. Riders are also welcome to offer an additional donation, as 50% of the profit generated for the event will be going toward purchasing farm products which will be donated directly to food security initiatives in the state.


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USDA GRANTS FOR FOOD PRODUCERS AFFECTED BY THE PANDEMIC The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the availability of $92.2 million in competitive grant funding under the 2018 Farm Bill’s Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP). The LAMP grants are funded through the Farmers Market program as part of USDA’s Pandemic Assistance for Producers Initiative. USDA launched this initiative in March to address shortfalls and disparities in how assistance was distributed in previous COVID-19 assistance packages, with a specific focus on strengthening outreach to underserved producers and communities and small and medium agricultural operations. These grants support the development, coordination and expansion of direct producer-to-consumer marketing, local and regional food markets and enterprises and value-added agricultural products. USDA encourages projects that assist underserved local and regional agricultural businesses, producer networks and associations, and local and tribal government in responding to COVID-19 disruptions and impacts. Funding is not contingent upon applicants directly addressing these issues. For more information about grant eligibility and previously funded projects, visit the FMPP webpage, LFPP webpage or RFSP webpage or contact us at,, or IPP


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USDA Application Period Open for Conservation Innovation Grants On-Farm Trials through June 21

USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service is seeking proposals through June 21 for Conservation Innovation Grants On-Farm Conservation Innovation Trials. Through the program, NRCS and partners collaborate to implement onthe-ground conservation activities and then evaluate their impact. NRCS is seeking proposals that address at least one of the following four OnFarm Trial priorities:

Climate-smart agricultural solutions

Soil health demonstration trial

Irrigation water management

Management technologies and strategies

NRCS will accept proposals from the following eligible entities: Private entities whose primary business is related to agriculture Non-government organizations with experience working with agricultural producers Non-federal government agencies Visit the website and view the On-Farms Trials funding announcement. For more information on CIG On-Farm Trials, please visit the On-Farm Trials webpage.


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Due June 1, 2021: Farm Credit East Grants for Northeast Farmers’ markets

Farm Credit East recently announced that it will be providing small grants to Northeast farmers’ markets to support their promotion and development efforts. Interested farmers’ markets must apply by June 1. Any farmers’ market located within Farm Credit East’s territory is eligible to apply. Grants will be offered up to $500. Special consideration will be given to first-time applicants and markets supporting underserved communities with limited access to fresh, local food. Grant applications must be received by Tuesday, June 1 and applicants will be notified by June 15. Visit to learn more or to apply.

2021 FARM VIABILITY GRANTS due June 3, 2021

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Connecticut Department of Agriculture 2021 Farm Viability Grants, due June 3, 2021 at 4 pm

The Connecticut Department of Agriculture announced the 2021 Farm Viability Grant (FVG) guidance is available. Applications are due June 3, 2021, at 4:00 p.m. The 2021 program has been reenvisioned with a goal of funded programs which directly respond to a specific problem, interest, or need of the state’s agricultural industry. Projects are requested in the areas of urban agriculture, food systems, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and farmland access. Four Questions of Focus have been developed and applicants will choose one to submit a project proposal that responds to the question, developing a potential solution, or progress towards a solution for the priority area. Grant guidelines and forms can be found at Additional detail on match requirements and eligible expenses can be found in the guidance. All applications will be submitted electronically via a Cognito Forms link. A virtual workshop to assist interested applicants in learning about the new structure of the grant and application process will occur on May 20, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. via a Microsoft Teams call. Questions regarding the Farm Viability Grant can be directed to Amanda King at or found online at

CT Farmland Trust to Offer Webinar Series

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May-June, 2021, 6:30 to 7:30 pm Webinar Series: Connecticut Farmland Trust staff and guest experts will be offering a weekly series to share knowledge and learn from mid-May through mid-June. This series will help land stewards gain what they need about farmland preservation and also elevate how we think about land trusts. You can meet guests who will answer the questions, How does farmland preservation work? and What else can a land trust do in addition to protecting land?

Sessions will take place from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on their specified date. There is no cost to attend, but donations to support the work are welcome.

May 13: Farmland Conservation 101, featuring CFT’s Executive Director Elisabeth Moore

May 20: Meet n Greet Farmers Who Preserved Their Land, featuring three CT farmers

May 27: Understanding Soils: A Key to Stewardship, Land Health, and Climate Resiliency, featuring Conservation Scientist Kip Kolesinskas

June 10: Public Act 490 Overview and Q & A, featuring Joan Nichols, Connecticut Farm Bureau Association’s Executive Director

June 17: How Land Trusts Can Support Food Access, featuring Connie Manes, Executive Director to Kent Land Trust

When you register for the event you can submit questions ahead of time, or submit a question during the talk. Each webinar has a different Zoom link.

To sign up for one of these webinars, visit Connecticut Farmland Trust’s events page: If you want to register for all five of the “Ask an Expert” webinars at once, email with the subject line “All Webinar Registration” and you will be sent your personal Zoom links and codes.