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NE-DBIC Dairy Farm Improvement & Modernization Grant Due Feb. 13, 2025


NE-DBIC Dairy Farm Improvement & Modernization Grant Due Feb. 13, 2025

The application period is January 2 through February 13, 2025, at 2pm ET.

This program will fund projects that help dairy farmers improve their operations and support long-term success. The goal is to update outdated systems or try new and innovative solutions. Projects of all sizes and complexity levels will be considered. Farmers or producer cooperatives and service providers working with groups of farmers are eligible to apply. Milk buyers are eligible if the project focuses on on-farm milk production or transfer.

The program is focused on improving farm business viability, reducing climate impacts, increasing milk quality or value, improving worker conditions, and increasing the farm’s ability to handle challenges. Possible projects might involve testing new technologies, upgrading equipment, or making continuous improvements. Some example areas include feed management, animal health, labor efficiencies, or working with new and young farmers.

Projects that work with experts, such as farm planners or technical assistance providers, to plan long-term improvements will be more competitive. Projects that help multiple dairy farms are also encouraged. However, projects that only replace old equipment without making other improvements will be less competitive.

Awards will range from $15,000 – $100,000 with a 25% in-kind and/or cash match contribution.

Total funds available: $950,000

Grants are available to applicants in all 11 Northeast states served by NE-DBIC: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

How to Apply:

  1. Once it is released, review the full Dairy Farm Improvement & Modernization Request for Applications (RFA) for the complete details on eligible projects/applicants and the full application process. This RFA is expected to be released December 10, 2024.
  2. Register in WebGrants (may take up to two business days).
  3. Complete your application in WebGrants using our Application GuideThe application will be open from January 2, 2025 – February 13, 2025 at 2:00 pm ET.
  4. Applicants who do not already have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) through are strongly encouraged to start this process during the application period to ensure a timely start to their grant, if awarded.
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At the Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center, we offer grants and contracts for dairy farmersprocessors, and service providers.
Visit our website grants page for details on each program.

View the funding calendar to learn when each grant opens.