Assist New Milford in protecting and preserving our surviving farmlands

Events & Workshops

Workshops, Events, Funding and Surveys

September 4: Free Small-Scale Dairy Processor Symposium in Shelburne, VT

September 5: Northeast DBIC New Dairy Processor Start-Up Grant Due

September 6-8: Bethlehem Fair

September 8: Solid Ground, a Program of UConn Extension, offers Land Evaluation and Farmland Access, Vernon CT

September 15: Solid Ground, a Program of UConn Extension, offers Land Evaluation and Farmland Access, Vernon CT

September 18: Berkshire Agricultural Ventures Farming in a Changing Climate Event, S. Egremont MA

September 24: WBDC Ignite Grants for Women-Owned Businesses due

September 30: Solid Ground, A Program of UConn Extension Offers Hemp for Fiber Production Griswold, CT

September 30: USDA Rural Development (REAP) Rural Energy for America Program Grant deadline

November 1: Connecticut Land Conservation Council Climate Smart Stewardship Planning and Implementation Grants Due