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CT Land Conservation Council Climate Smart Land Stewardship Grants

CT Land Conservation Council Climate Smart Land Stewardship Grants

The Connecticut Land Conservation Council (CLCC) was awarded funds from the Connecticut Department of Agriculture this past spring, and CLCC has been hard at work developing its Climate Smart Land Stewardship grant program. CLCC is thrilled to officially launch this grant program, which makes $500,000 available to land trusts in the form of planning and implementation grants.
Planning Grants – Up to $8,000
Designed for organizations in the early stages of developing a climate-smart land stewardship project, these grants can fund the background research and plan development needed to implement a climate-smart project. Examples include developing forest management plans, pollinator planting plans, or work plans for implementing specific climate-smart practices.
Implementation Grants – Up to $50,000
Larger grants will be available to assist land trusts with implementing these climate-smart practices on their preserves. They fund activities related to the on-the-ground implementation of climate-smart practices and may fund the initiation of new projects and/or the continuation of existing projects. Scroll down for samples of climate-smart practices that your land trust might wish to consider.
Who is Eligible?
Eligible applicants must be tax-exempt organizations with a mission dedicated to land conservation and/or stewardship of conserved lands in Connecticut. Projects must be located within the state of Connecticut on land owned in fee by the applicant.
Together, these programs will increase the number of acres managed using climate-smart practices, and encourage future climate-smart management practices among Connecticut’s land trusts.
Important Dates
In 2024, applications will be reviewed quarterly. Submission deadlines are at 5:00pm on:
August 1, 2024
November 1, 2024
Funding decisions are anticipated approximately six weeks after application deadlines.
More Information and Application Instructions: