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Oct 2, 2022: CT Agricultural Mediation Services Available at little to no cost

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The Connecticut Agricultural Mediation Program helps clients of USDA agencies and others in the Connecticut agricultural and rural communities resolve and manage disputes by providing mediation, facilitation, and training.

The Connecticut Agricultural Mediation Program (CTAMP), administered through the Quinnipiac University School of Law Center on Dispute Resolution, provides mediation and other conflict resolution services to Connecticut’s agricultural and rural community. Certified and sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), CTAMP’s services are available state-wide at little or no cost for USDA customers.

Mediation can provide many benefits, including helping to ensure that disagreements and disputes that threaten the economic success of farms are addressed quickly and confidentially.


CTAMP mediators can assist farmers, producers and other USDA customers to resolve the following issues:

  • Agricultural loans and loan-servicing, including Farm Service Agency and Rural Development loans

  • Adverse decisions from a USDA agency

  • Wetlands determination

  • Conservation compliance

  • Crop insurance

  • Pesticide application

  • Lease issues, including land leases and equipment leases

  • Family farm succession planning

  • National Organic Program established under the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990

  • Neighbor to neighbor disputes

  • Land use

  • Environmental concerns

  • Other issues as the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Agriculture considers appropriate for better serving the agricultural community and persons eligible for mediation

CTAMP provides low or no cost mediation services to the agricultural community for these issues. For other agricultural issues other funding sources may be available or we may ask parties to pay on a sliding scale.


CTAMP occasionally offers training opportunities and workshops in negotiation, conflict competency, facilitation, meeting management and succession planning to the agricultural community.

Click here to learn more or download a brochure.

Sept 20, 2022: USDA Food System Capacity Building Grant Applications due Nov. 15

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The Connecticut Department of Agriculture (DoAg) is pleased to announce the
competitive solicitation process to award The Food System Capacity Building
Grant provides funds to Connecticut organizations and groups involved in food
system policy or creating innovative, localized, programming in their respective
communities to increase food access and address food insecurity. Funding for
the Food System Capacity Building Grant is provided through the Connecticut
Food Policy Council under C.G.S. Sec. 22-456.
There is no minimum and the maximum amount of funds that can be requested
for one project is limited to $10,000.00. There is no match requirement for this
The application deadline is November 15, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. through the
Connecticut Department of Agriculture online application system.
Commissioner Bryan P. Hurlburt said, “During the COVID-19 pandemic, it
became clear that we needed to improve our food system, not only to make
more food available to families across the state, but to incorporate more CT
Grown products to offset the amount of food imported from out of state.
Through the efforts and commitment from the Food Policy Council, I’m happy to
announce the creation and availability of the Food System Capacity Building
Grant, which will improve the local food system and make food, particularly CT
Grown farm products, more accessible to Connecticut residents.”
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9/30/22, 1:43 PM Climate Smart Agriculture

Learn about New Milford’s Agricultural History

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Learn about New Milford’s Agricultural History.

This video was produced by Grant Dupill and features Bill Devlin of the Trust for Historic Preservation and photos provided by Lisa Roush of the New Milford Historical Society:

Jan. 21, 2022: Solid Ground Stipend deadline

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Jan. 21, 2022: Solid Ground Stipend deadline

The following opportunity is intended for new and beginning farmers with less than 10 years of experience operating their own business. These funds are intended to help new and beginning farmers purchase better tools and make upgrades to their operation instead of relying on low cost/low quality inputs. UConn Extension and its partners are eager to see these funds have a meaningful impact on farm businesses and farmer well-being. 

Who is eligible:

  • Connecticut farm operators that have been operating their own business for less than 10 years
  • Aspiring Connecticut farm business owners that plan to launch their business in 2022 and have more than one season of farming experience on someone else’s farm
  • Market gardeners in Connecticut with at least one season of experience selling their products

Stipend Purpose:

UConn Extension’s Solid Ground Program seeks to make available stipends to new and beginning farmers for the following purposes:

  • Purchase of inputs such as seeds, compost, soil amendments, mulch, equipment rental, small equipment purchases, materials for integrated pest management.
  • Assistance beyond the types mentioned above that are relevant to pivoting the business due to COVID-19.

To offset producer costs associated with conservation practices, land preparation, land leasing, and Wi-Fi connectivity.

Stipend Level:  

Stipend requests can be $500 minimum up to $2000 maximum per farm business. 


​Applications must be received by 5:00 pm on January 21st, 2022

  • UConn Extension seeks to announce awards by mid-February and no later than Feb 28, 2022.
  • As soon as the recipient is an approved entity for payment, UConn Extension will initiate payment in full to the recipient.  This process can take up to 4 weeks.
  • Recipients should use their stipend within 12 months of receipt.

Application Submission:

  • Applications can be completed by using this online APPLICATION FORM
  • If an applicant is facing challenges with this application system and/or requires assistance with the online application, please contact 

Available Funds:  

UConn Extension will make $60,000 in total available to new and beginning farmers in Connecticut through this stipend program.


  • Supporting the viability of farmers/market gardeners who identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Color 
  • Supporting farmers/market gardeners who have had difficulty accessing capital for their business
  • Potential of stipend to contribute to conservation of natural resources, climate resilience, climate adaptation, or climate mitigation strategies
  • Potential of stipend to increase production and availability of CT Grown products

Ineligible Expenses:

  • Land purchase
  • Large equipment purchases that cost over $2000 
  • Payroll for employees
  • Compensation for applicant’s labor
  • Reimbursement for past expenditures

Source of Funding: 

The Solid Ground Farmer Training Program at UConn Extension is funded by USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP). Additional funding was made available to BFRDP awardees through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260) for the purpose of assisting producers facing COVID–19 impacts to their business.  This stipend program is structured as a one-time opportunity to make funds directly available to new and beginning farmers in 2022.


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Dairy Food Safety and Certification Grant, due Feb. 3, 2022

The Dairy Food Safety & Certification Grant program will provide grants for dairy businesses to take actionable steps to increase production safety standards with the goal of accessing new markets. Projects that increase marketability of dairy products will be prioritized. Grant funds may be used for technical assistance, audits, food safety plan development, training, testing fees, and certain infrastructure upgrades. This application is open to dairy producers, processors, and producer associations based in the Northeast. Grants will range from $10,000 – $40,000 with a 25% cash or in-kind match requirement. Applications are due February 3, 2022. Click here for more information.


Categories: News

Sept. 29, 2021: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced a comprehensive set of investments to address challenges facing America’s agricultural producers. These include assistance to address challenges and costs associated with drought, animal health, market disruptions for agricultural commodities, and school food supply chain issues. Secretary Vilsack also outlined and requested public comments on a new climate partnership initiative designed to create new revenue streams for producers via market opportunities for commodities produced using climate-smart practices. USDA is preparing $3 billion in investments that will support drought resilience and response, animal disease prevention, market disruption relief, and purchase of food for school nutrition programs. The support will be made available via the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC). Specifically, funds will be used to provide: $500 million to support drought recovery and encourage the adoption of water-smart management practices. Up to $500 million to prevent the spread of African Swine Fever (ASF) via robust expansion and coordination of monitoring, surveillance, prevention, quarantine, and eradication activities through USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. $500 million to provide relief from agricultural market disruption, such as increased transportation challenges, availability and cost of certain materials, and other near-term obstacles related to the marketing and distribution of certain commodities, as part of Secretary Vilsack’s work as co-chair of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force. Up to $1.5 billion to provide assistance to help schools respond to supply chain disruptions.

Read the full release here.

Governor Lamont Directs Nearly $10 Million in COVID Relief Funding for Connecticut’s Dairy and Aquaculture Industries

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Sept. 29., 2021: Governor Lamont Directs Nearly $10 Million in COVID Relief Funding for Connecticut’s Dairy and Aquaculture Industries

Governor Ned Lamont announced on September 29 that he is directing nearly $10 million in federal Coronavirus Relief Funding and American Recovery Plan Act funding to support Connecticut’s dairy and aquaculture industries, which experienced significant market disruptions during the pandemic, negatively impacting sales. Additional funds will be used to address food insecurity with funds to purchase CT Grown products for drive-through distributions and extending the availability of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits at farmers markets.

Grown for CT Kids; the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program; the Senior’s Farmers Market Nutrition program; and Foodshare’s drive-through distribution. These dollars will keep Foodshare distribution open through at least the end of October. With these new dollars, the state will have reached a total investment of $10.3 million in these programs. “Our farmers and their teams are essential workers who played a critical role in getting Connecticut through the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Governor Lamont said. “I am grateful for their dedication to ensuring that our residents have access to clean, healthy food. This investment will help keep these incredibly important businesses afloat and keep Connecticut families fed.” “Connecticut agriculture was deemed essential during the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing them to continue planting, growing, and harvesting a diverse array of food critical to feeding the residents of our state,” Connecticut Agriculture Commissioner Bryan P. Hurlburt said. “However, like so many others, these family businesses were negatively impacted by market disruptions and closures. These funds will strengthen those sectors most severely impacted while also investing in food security programs buying Connecticut Grown food products to support local families.” “Connecticut farmers have been frontline heroes during this pandemic,” the members of Connecticut’s Congressional delegation said in a joint statement. “Their resilience throughout this crisis has been vital to ensuring Connecticut families have fresh food on their tables. These federal dollars will provide much-needed relief to the Connecticut family farmers who have overcome unprecedented challenges while providing healthy, locally grown food for those experiencing hunger. We were proud to secure this funding to get our farmers the help they need.” “We are grateful for the support we continue to receive from Governor Lamont and our federal delegation and their commitment to prioritizing fighting food insecurity in Connecticut, as well as their role in securing this COVID-19 relief funding used to fund these projects,” Connecticut Foodshare CEO and President Jason Jakubowski said. “Through continued collaboration between the Office of the Governor, the Connecticut Department of Agriculture, and Connecticut Foodshare, we’re not only able to provide food to households around the state but support our local Connecticut growers.” “COVID-19 market disruptions shuttered many opportunities and devastated the aquaculture and dairy markets,” Joan Nichols, executive director of the Connecticut Farm Bureau Association said. “These strategic investments in agriculture are in great need for farmers to continue operating and providing safe, affordable, and healthy foods to residents.”

Milkman, an online subscription home delivery service of pantry staples to families in Hartford and Tolland counties. “This administration’s support of Connecticut agriculture, specifically the dairy industry, will ensure the future sustainability of family businesses like mine,” Seth Bahler, CEO of Oakridge Dairy, said. “The market disruptions, fluctuations in commodity pricing, and weather have been a real challenge and this funding is a tremendous benefit at a time when it’s most needed.”


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USDA GRANTS FOR FOOD PRODUCERS AFFECTED BY THE PANDEMIC The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the availability of $92.2 million in competitive grant funding under the 2018 Farm Bill’s Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP). The LAMP grants are funded through the Farmers Market program as part of USDA’s Pandemic Assistance for Producers Initiative. USDA launched this initiative in March to address shortfalls and disparities in how assistance was distributed in previous COVID-19 assistance packages, with a specific focus on strengthening outreach to underserved producers and communities and small and medium agricultural operations. These grants support the development, coordination and expansion of direct producer-to-consumer marketing, local and regional food markets and enterprises and value-added agricultural products. USDA encourages projects that assist underserved local and regional agricultural businesses, producer networks and associations, and local and tribal government in responding to COVID-19 disruptions and impacts. Funding is not contingent upon applicants directly addressing these issues. For more information about grant eligibility and previously funded projects, visit the FMPP webpage, LFPP webpage or RFSP webpage or contact us at,, or IPP