NMFFPC Zoning Regulations Amendments Proposed
The Farmland and Forest Preservation Committee has prepared a series of amendments to the town’s zoning regulations in order to protect our existing farms and provide certainty for the farmers to grow with the understanding that normal operations and expansions will not be met with undue burden and regulatory oversight.
The proposed regulations are meant to codify activities that are already occurring on many of our farms now but are not necessarily permitted or not permitted. The concern from the farmer’s standpoint is, what happens if a complaint is made to the town and the activity is not codified in the existing code? While the town has adopted a Right to Farm Ordinance, it does not cover all situations and does not supersede local zoning law. In addition, the lack of definition in the regulations puts Town Staff in a difficult predicament should they receive a complaint. These regulations are not intended to provide blanket immunity to farmers, they are intended to provide flexibility and safeguards for our farmers, while also providing the necessary guardrails to protect their neighbors.
Zoning Commission meetings happen the fourth Tuesday of every month in Town Hall (Loretta Brickley Conference room) at 7 PM. The next scheduled meeting is January 28.
Click here to see what zoning regulations are impacted.