Assist New Milford in protecting and preserving our surviving farmlands

Berkshire – Taconic Grazing Workshop with Sarah Flack July 15-16

Berkshire – Taconic Grazing Workshop with Sarah Flack July 15-16

This grazing workshop aims to educate grazing land managers and new graziers about sustainable grazing techniques, demonstrate different approaches to climate-smart grazing, and identify opportunities to improve grazing practices. We also hope that this workshop is a place for graziers to connect with each other and with conservation technicians to create ongoing grazing education support networks.
Monday, July 15th will feature grass-based and organic livestock production consultant Sarah Flack, providing a Sustainable Grazing Management workshop at Gould Farm in Monterey, MA, followed by guided pasture walks at Gould Farm and at The Farm in New Marlborough, MA. As the workshop concludes for the day, we invite you to stay and join us for a networking dinner BBQ at The Farm in New Marlborough, MA, featuring their meats, local side dishes and beverages.
On Tuesday, July 16th Sarah Flack will guide a tour to 3 grass-fed livestock farms across the Taconic region of NY:
Chaseholm Farm, Pine Plains, NY
Kinderhook Farm, Valatie, NY
Harrier Fields Farm, Schodack Landing, NY
Lunch, coffee & snacks will be provided on both days, along with the post-workshop networking dinner on July 15th. Registration is $35, or $15 for limited resource and BIPOC farmers. Learn more here: