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Aug 23: Solid Ground, a Program of UConn Extension Offers Poultry Processing Skills Share Vernon, CT

Aug 23: Solid Ground, a Program of UConn Extension Offers Poultry Processing Skills Share Vernon, CT

Poultry Processing Skill ShareDate: Friday, August 23rd
Location: Tolland Ag Center, 24 Hyde Ave. Vernon, CT

Description of Skill Share: Join a group of farmers as we visit two farm operations that are processing poultry in-house for their customer base, and a session with UConn Extension’s Food Safety Educator to understand what is entailed in processing poultry on your farm. We will cover regulations, infrastructure and equipment needed, different processing systems, and address common questions like “when does it become worth it to process on farm rather then send it to a facility?”
Please Note: This skill share is catering toward those who want to poultry processing as a business enterprise. If you aren’t seriously interested in poultry processing as a business enterprise, please do not sign up.

Sign up here: